I’ve recently been informed that my commentary is “ridiculous” because I am not currently in Armenia starting a revolution. But in my world, which happens to exist outside of the “why don’t you go [fill in the blank]” kindergarten playground of discussions, I believe I am free to comment on things that exist outside of the vicinity of where I live so that’s what I’m going to continue to do.
For context, I’ve been a fan of the CivilNet English-language video updates since they were announced in September. I think they are an important source of information for people whose primary language of communication is English and who want to have a connection to news in Armenia.
However, this short report on today’s cockamamie “revolution” really got it wrong.
What about it? Well, thanks for asking. Come with me.
1) Look at all these police arresting people!
The video, as can be seen, shows almost an unhindered stream of what looks like police aggression and force. To those none the wiser, the police are brutally carrying away and imposingly blocking the paths of citizens simply trying to protest.
But what the video completely fails to show is that BEFORE the roundup and presence of significant police force, several explosives were detonated by this guy and his ragtag band of “revolutionaries”:

In fact, as can be seen in a video taken before CivilNet’s, although there was a police presence, there were no special forces or SWAT anywhere in sight.
I’m going to guess they showed up after the fact but in the CivilNet video, it looks like it was a continuous event with the massive police presence, and accompanying arrests, happening just because people were protesting, which was NOT the case.
Selective much?
2) Sequence of events
The video’s narration notes that “when protesters decided to start marching toward the Presidential Palace, more than 200 police and special forces, including the SWAT team, pushed them back.”
How about a scenario? Say you’re walking around with some friends and you all happen to have taken your favorite masks with you on this particular stroll. You also happen to be in Washington, DC (or Budapest or Kigale or Athens) and decide you feel like a protest. So you start heading over to the president’s pad. Except, on this particular day, THERE WERE EXPLOSIVE DEVICES DETONATED less than a mile from where the president lives.
What capital in the whole world would allow masked protesters to get anywhere near any government building, much less the president’s house, during a time of such disarray? If you answered not a goddamn one, you’d be correct.
In real life, CivilNet doesn’t bother with the fact that there was a serious violent incident that took place before these marchers tried to head to the Presidential Palace and leaves the impression that activists protesting “corrupt governments and greedy corporations” were stopped in their tracks by police.
Another fact not important enough to include in the report that I feel might have encouraged the police to pour hundreds of their officers onto the street: 8 policemen were hospitalized after the explosives were detonated.
“Revolutionaries” beating the shit out of some guy before 200 people with masks were stupefyingly stopped by police on their jaunt to the Presidential Palace:

3) Editing
After a full minute and a half of showing police carrying people away, the narration announces that,
“it appeared that the protests centered around Shant Harutiunian […] who for days has been repeating that somehow something must change.”
So can we conclude that the thing that Harutiunian is trying to change is police dragging people away while distraught women weep in the background? Although it was Harutiunian that inspired the police to be doing that in the first place?
And then there is no mention that Harutiunian was the jackass who led the initial group and was doing this, and throwing explosives on the ground like firecrackers, before the area was flooded by police:

For effect, both the beginning and end of the video was flanked by audio of a screeching woman, I suppose to accentuate the egregiousness of a police officer carrying away a possible suspect in the explosions that CivilNet didn’t bother spending much time on.
Wonderful editing. Grade A. But so terribly disappointing.
Look, I get it. Every outlet has its tilt.
CivilNet is a project of Civiltas which is a proactive think tank established by one of the longest-running government officials in modern Armenian history who happens to be a member of a political party on tepid terms with the ruling party. Fine. But this was just too blatant.
You want to make the government look bad? I’m sure you can come up with something better than craftily editing a video in a way that renders it a half-truth.
I also recognize that we’re so damned starved for something we’ll take anything. Indeed our state of affairs must be in doldrums if there are smart, serious people riding the coattails of a lunatic to make their point.
Successful revolutionaries, even violent ones, make a case for revolution.
Think about Franklin, Hamilton, Jefferson, and Adams making a sign announcing that they’re starting a revolution like they’re having a fucking bake sale.
Or Lenin walking into the street with a stick and swinging it at people like Donatello (the Ninja Turtle, not the artist). Or Mao Zedong and Robespierre muttering nonsense like a common fool and then expecting the people to fall in line.
No, these revolutionaries wrote, debated, organized, spoke, planned, and thought. They had purpose. They would not be satisfied with the painfully bland, “somehow something must change.” What person who respects their own intelligence in the least could be inspired by such ambiguity?
By not condemning Harutiunian and his ilk for what they are, we would be complicit in encouraging the vapid rhetoric that is fit not for revolutionaries but charlatans. We cheapen our goals and our expectations of others and ourselves.
We’re capable of thinking deeply. We just need to do it.
By: William Bairamian
William, they didn’t have the footage before the moment the video started (basically where the protest left off from” and they don’t use other people’s footage, so, What you saw is what they have! If they had more you would’ve seen it for sure.
Manuk, the other footage that I posted that was taken before where the CivilNet story starts was available at least 6 hours before, possibly more. I watched it a world away. The video was freely available on YouTube so I’m sure CivilNet had access to it.
Otherwise, even if they don’t use other peoples’ footage, which I’m not suggesting, the story’s narration completely glossed over what had happened prior to the frames they did end up showing.
Thanks for your comment.
btw the Euronews coverage of the Putin protests was also selective. They didn’t show the size of the small protest and showed mostly police-protester tension. Though there was better footage where the police were much more violent and horrible they showed it from a more sympathetic view. The Armenian media won’t do it, protesters need allies or things will look more dismal.
William the violent act part is producers decision, is it relevant or not, but don’t you think the title is poking fun at the situation? How could this be a revolution like Harutyunyan wanted?
Manuk, this may have been a response to my other post (http://thegampr.com/2013/11/05/the-great-armenian-revolution-of-2013/) so I’m going to respond to it as such. Yes, the point was to poke fun at it. If this were on the list of attempted revolutions in human history, it would be in the comedy/bloopers category.
it would for sure but I still believe that he had was trying to send a message. I’d call him the closest thing to an Anarchist in Armenia and they say he was all about breaking shit back during the 80’s and has gone to prison plenty of times.