Yerevan is Armenia’s biggest city. Like most big cities, its citizens have peculiarities that distinguish them from those of other cities in the country. If you’re from Yerevan, especially if you’re over the age of 30, you probably do all these things.
1) You hate Karabakhtsis.
Because they supposedly control everything and even have a conspiracy to keep Yerevantsis unemployed. Although your only evidence for this is that native Artsakhtsis (Karabakhtsis) are in high-level government positions (i.e. president, defense minister, etc.). Which is like me claiming that the troubles I might have, being a Californian, are because Barack Obama is from Illinois/Hawaii/Indonesia and Chuck Hagel (U.S. Sec. of Defense) is from Nebraska. OK…I guess.

2) You hate anybody from the regions of Armenia.
Because those villagers (գյուացիք) live better than you do. Though that might have something to do with them doing back-breaking work. Or maybe it’s not true that they live better. But whatever about that fact stuff.

3) You hate(d) akhpars.
Because they were different and drank coffee and ate lahmajoon and basturma, except you love that shit. Or maybe it was something else, like they got one-way tickets to Siberia because they were suspected of being spies on the regular. Actually, I’m not really clear on what the beef was with the akhpars.

4) You hate Yerevan.
After all, if the country is not a country (ԵԵՉ), the capital and biggest city of that country must suck, too! I mean, the suckiness has to come from somewhere. Or maybe it’s because all the inhabitants are աֆերիստ (shysters). Though what was that about taking one to know one?

5) You claim you and your whole family are originally from Yerevan, since hundreds of years ago.
Which means there is a good chance you’re either a Persian or Turkic Tatar. Congratulations – you are now much cooler.

6) You say you’re from Yerevan but you’re really just embarrassed to say you’re not from Yerevan because everyone in Yerevan hates people who aren’t from Yerevan…although no one is from Yerevan.

7) You dream of moving to Glendale, where you will start hating all non-Yerevantsi Armenians in Los Angeles.
Except you don’t live in Yerevan anymore and nobody cares that you’re from there.

8) You inspire me to be a better Armenian by trying hard to not be you.

By: William Bairamian
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Thanks, Srbuhi. This was an interesting read – and appropriate.
I enjoy reading your articles, William. Thank you for being a great role model for our cause.
Was curious to hear your brief thoughts on this disconcerting piece from last week…
Thank you for the kind words, Tro. Before I respond, I’d like to clarify what you found disconcerting about the article you included.
Of course- Causes for concern/uneasiness:
1. Russia is manufacturing a renewal of war between Azerbaijan and Armenia
2. Russia abandoning Hayastan in favor of Azerbaijan because of $$ (their questionable allegiance in general is troubling)
3. Where is the US in this entire thing, and why has Armenia not become the Israel of the Caucasus?
4. Why is it a choice between Europe and Russia? Why not the US, Europe, or Russia?
Perhaps it is my naïveté that would lead me to think that the US would get involved or that Russia would not take the side of money…
Thanks in advance for your thoughts. And please keep it brief– you have much better things to be doing.
u almoat dont know much about yerevantsis, no1 is just wrong- have u interviewed more then 100 ppl before concluding this bs?
Dear William, I think you haven’t met any Yerevantsi yet
I don’t even know how I stumbled upon this , but oh my! How is that possible that I am from Yerevan and none of this applies to me? That means there must be something wrong with this “study”. I am sorry you’ve met the “wrong Yerevantsis”, but it’s wrong to make general assumptions based on that. So much hate for no reason.
I don’t even know how I stumbled upon this , but oh my! How is that possible that I am from Yerevan and none of this applies to me? That means there must be something wrong with this “study”. I am sorry you’ve met the “wrong Yerevantsis”, but it’s wrong to make general assumptions based on that. So much hate for no reason.